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- Cement
Cement industry

The processing through the vertical roller mill is one of the most important phases in the cement production plants. Loss of performance in the milling process can be very costly in terms of low productivity, low quality product, coarser mesh size particles and higher energy consumption.

Precise measurements and quality control is applied throughout the entire hardfacing deposition process, ensuring the best result of the work and the enhanced performance.
SuperAlloys has developed special automated hardfacing manipulators with high deposition rates and the ability of continuous operation with real-time monitoring of welding parameters and temperature, in order to optimise the required time needed for the regeneration procedure. Hardfacing projects are applied to regenerate in-situ:
– Raw Mills
– Coal Mills
– Clinker & Cement Mills
– Slag Cement Mills
The highly trained SuperAlloys Workteam in combination with our pattended manipulation systems can perform, depending on the vertical mill type, the hardfacing to all the rollers simultaneously reducing significantly the execution time of the project.
According to the shape of the grinding table, we have developed special manipulators to simulate the initial grinding profile geometry. SuperAlloys can apply multiple hardfacing manipulators and reduce the whole procedure 2 or 3 times less than in a conventional hardfacing project. This advantage gives the ability to perform urgent maintenance with low production downtime for the cement or power generation plant. All the above can be performed ln-situ” at the customers plant but also “In-house” in our two fully equipped facilities in Thessaloniki, Greece.
In-situ” hardfacing of grinding table at dam ring section in order to regenerate or modify the geometry towards improved milling performance.
Hardfacing of Grinding Tables Segments & Tracks
In-Situ Hardfacing of FLSmidth Vertical Mill’s grinding tables.
SuperAlloys hardfacing structure provides to rollers grinding table minimum weat-rates and mechanical strength after years of operation.
In-Situ Hardfacing of Hitachi/Babcock Vertical Mills grinding tables.
SuperAlloys is also developing auxilliary and inching drive systems for the rotation of the grinding table tracks, depending on the specifications of the vertical mill, in order to apply hardfacing or bilatteral maintenance works of the grinding table. Auxilliary drive systems a consisted of remote control, motor and sprockets.
SuperAlloys operates two fully equiped workshops capable of performing all kind of hard-facing projects to both rollers and grinding tables of any type of vertical mills. Services can be applied to new or worn out spare parts in order to rege-nerate them or to increase their performnce. Quality control is also applied before, during and after the hardfacing process in order to secure the hardness, bonding strength and micro-structure of the deposited materials.